Friday, November 6, 2009

Gymnastics Show!

Sorry it's been another VERY LONG time since I posted, I've had a week of school, gone home, up to DAA, and back at school for a whole 'nother week since I posted last! Sorry!

Time flies and I'm staying nice and busy! The real reason I'm posting right now is to let you all know that I have a gymnastics show tomorrow night for the half time of our Warriors' first home Basket Ball game. So if you could keep the gymnairs in your prayers, for safty and a good performance it would be greatly appreciated!

I wish you could all come but since you can't you can go to and watch it on the internet if you'd like!! the game starts at 8:30 and we're at half time, it's all live so if you wanna see it don't be late!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend everybody!!
God Bless!

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