thank you SO MUCH for EVERYTHING, I can't even comprehend all the hard
work, time, effort, and prayer you've invested in my life. The long busy
nights before achievement days, investiture, and Bible school are sweet memories
and added evidence of your dedication, creativity and love! I pray that
someday I will be able to instill a love for Jesus and the priceless lessons
you've taught me, in my own family. And Mom, forever and always you can be
sure that, 'who loves the Lord today?' I do! I do!
You've taught me to be tough, strong, and work hard thanks for sharing a
tea party with Sarah and I before I had siblings to play with! Your love and
dedication to God have been an encouragement to me over the years. Dad, we
may never know who left the bow was in the trees but I'm sorry for all the tools
and junk I left at random work sites around the yard, whether it was a boat,
bench swing, doll house, or two person bike I was sure there was undiscovered
jewels in those pieces of junk and it was a shame to for them to stay
unappreciated on the junk pile.
As soon as I could talk I prayed every night for a sibling, God made me
wait but then He made up for lost time and it was well worth the wait!
You will always hang onto the title of 2nd oldest, even if it is only by 7 Minutes! I'm
so proud of you! You can cook a mean 'which-what-who' and seriously, who
ever said lettuce can't go in hot-dishes or pea juice in slushies! I love you
Mindy, your pure honesty has always been an inspiration to me and something for
me to live up to, and I thank you for that!
Your strong character and forgiving heart have shown bright ever since you
were a baby. I admire your strength, hard work, and all you do to help mom
and dad on the farm. Watching vikings games with you is one of my favorite
activities; with our victory celebrations after each touchdown, followed by
dad's thumping on the floor and a 'hey, quiet down there!'
You've grown SO much and have become quite the beautiful young lady!
I can barely call you my 'little' sister anymore! Your sweet,
understanding spirit has often been the peacemaking factor growing up. I
admire your strong, high-spirited character and the way you can ride the horses
like a pro!
Schumacher, Paul!
You're double digits now [and now he's 11!] and at 10 years
old you've already had more career ambitions than I've ever thought of!
Whether you choose to be a scientist, astronaut, preacher, lego designer, cowboy,
farmer, or if you choose to be like dad and become a brain sergeant... Keep
Jesus #1 in your life and He will use your creativity and passion to make
whatever you do turn out GREAT! You're the youngest of 5 and only
boy! Whether you've been picked on or spoiled by us girls, I love you more
than you'll ever know and our house would be a drastically different place
without you!
Mr. Quaile,
Being a member of your faculty family this year has been such a
blessing. I sincerely appreciate everything you do for this
school.Mrs. Quaile,
You have had a huge impact on my life here at school. You were a
great Algebra II teacher and a huge help to me last year when I had no idea what
I was doing half the time! Your love and support has meant so much to
Thanks for everything, I'm so excited for you and your new position
as spiritual vice of SA! keep Jesus #1 in your heart and allow Him to shine
through you to illuminate this school with His love.
Mr. Detwiler,
You had more of a positive impact on my first year in Academy than you will
ever know. Thank you so much for your Christ-like example. You were
a wonderful volleyball, basketball, and gymnastics coach. I have missed
you and your weekly refreshers, and yes, I've even missed the corny Jokes!
Thanks So much for coming back to share this weekend with us, I appreciate
everything your done. Thanks for being my hand-to-hand partner and your
famous line, 'I've never had a girl get that move before' which you knew left me
with a challenge I couldn't resist.
Mr. & Mrs. Morrison,
God had used you to bless my life in so many was this year! Your
visions for the team and our school in the future are inspiring and
contagious! It makes the sad thought of not being here next year even
worse! Working with you in volleyball, basketball, and gymnastics has been
a joy! Thanks SO much for allowing God to lead you here to DAA, it's been an awesome
Mr. Griffin,
Thanks so much for everything you've brought to DAA this semester, you make
me want to be a super senior! To the King! To the Kingdom! To
the restoration!
I'm so glad we were able to spend our first year together, I'm so thankful
to have had such a smart senior not only as my sweat mate but my chemistry
buddy too! Remember Rachel, when somebody knows something others
don't the polite thing to do is share the information!Becca Boo!
Even though you don't clean the bathroom I'm so glad you decided to move in
next door! You are such an inspiration to me! Being able to talk to
you about anything and sharing random Bible verses or Ellen White quotes
has been so special and encouraging to me! I admire your love for God
and I am so exited for you with your trip to Africa! One more
thing... Niece!
To the class of 2009,
Thanks for welcoming me with open arms and being such and amazing group of
it's been a blast, thanks for all the fun times and late-night chats, hey
what color are the flowers?Emily,
Thanks for going along with everything I've drug you into the past two
years, even though we both know you really wanted to do them, you just wont
admit it! ;)Laur Laur!
We were the seniors of the dorm this year and being an RA (resident's
assistant) with you was allot of fun! Thanks so much for saving me
from the critters in Biology II this year! dwee!
I am so blessed to have friends and family like all of you, thank you
for being here for me tonight and through the years!