Sice my last visit to the world wide web (Saturday night
): Chelsea Roberts (Gill) is married, I got to be a bride's maid for the first time, gave a maid of honor speech, played Volleyball with my family and Mary Erickson, Ileah Schmuhl, and Joel Larsen :) , Walked 20+ miles on a wagon train, got a nice sun burn (hopfully a good tan), pulled 40+ ticks off of myself (Not even kidding!!) :( , played some fun "capture the flag", spent the night at Brad and Susie Kahler's house :) , had my first surgery, had bone grafted from my hip (therefore got to ride the motorized cart at Wal-Mart!! :P ) , and am now sitting here with a newly broken wrist that contains a metal plate and 8 screws (which requires my mother dear as a personal typing assistant!)'s been a full week and it's not over yet!! God is so good and He's always right beside me!